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More from Our Past

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In todays posting, I’m going to continue talking about the BBC article I discovered a few weeks ago and the subject matter of “evolution” thats involved within it. If you enjoy reading about this type of material, please continue to follow this posting… Read the rest of this entry »

A New Understanding

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So….. I was surfing the internet a few week ago and i ca
me across a news article on the BBC website. After reading this story, I felt compelled to share it with the people of Read the rest of this entry »

Places of the Past

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Hello and welcome back. Today I’m going to talk about and show you some of the greatest creations in the world built by “man-kind”. Read the rest of this entry »

If I could fly!

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I was created almost one thousand years ago. Many thought it could never happen but I proved them wrong. A few years ago, man created a larger scale model of me. To their surprise, I flew. See… modern man can still learn a thing or two from their not so distant cousins from the past.

Artifacts of the Past

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In this weeks posting, I’ll be talking and showing you a few artifacts that have been in existence before the “Hunter Gather” period and shows that humans have been around much longer than modern science believes. So let’s get started…. Read the rest of this entry »

An American Voyage

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I think that its amazing that there are still people out there that think Christopher Columbus discovered America. In my opinion, I think that its irresponsible for someone to still believe in this myth. In todays modern world we still find ourselves celebrating this event even though it has been proved that this tradition is incorrect Read the rest of this entry »

Learning something new

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In my post today, I’m going to tell you how i was drawn to posting theses some what controversial issues and topics. an it may be something we all can learn from…. Read the rest of this entry »

Changing History ….

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We all know our history …..and I mean (human history) can be bit confusing at times. As We grow up and attend school we are taught that the human species evolved from “hunter gathers”


In recent years, there seems to have been a lot of debate pertaining to “where” we came from and “how long” the human species has been here for.

In this posting and for the next few postings I’m going to discuss this topic of discussion.

As far back as I can remember, I’ve always been taught in school that the human race as we know it made its “mark” on this planet 10,000 years ago. I learned that humans lived in small groups and had large territories to cover while collecting food such as nuts and berries to keep them alive. They also relied on on crude tools such as stone antlers and bone, to make life easier for them. Humans also had the ability to used fire. The use of these tools along with the application of fire seemed to impact our development and advancement greatly.

See where I’m going with this? … Sounds like I read it from a script…huh?

Human history has always intrigued me but over the last several years I’ve noticed that our history is mostly undiscovered. I think that it’s unfortunate that we as a species are still uneducated when it comes to our past.

With the progression of technology, humans have been able to make new discoveries. Take for example the underwater monument of Yanaguni, located in waters off Japan. It is believed, that this monument was created by men thousands of years ago. The monument has become a hot topic of discussion with in the archeological community.

I find the reason for the debate is an interesting one. That the monument itself must have been created before the last ice age because it is completely submerged underwater and it it highly doubtful that the creators built it while it was covered in water.

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The monument itself is a symbol of lost history. What bothers me about this is that if this is true, then it completely rule out the idea that humans were simple hunter gathers. The monument itself was constructed with the use of higher mathematics and shows that humans back then were more complex than what we assume.

I believe that this is just one brief example that shows how much of our history is still misunderstood. ill be discussing more examples like this one in future postings.

A Parking Lot… That’s Not For Sale …..?

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Today, I was asked “Imagine you’re given a plot of land and have the financial resources to do what you please. What’s the plan?” Dam, What a good question! It took me a minute, but I think I came up with an answer….. it goes something like this.
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World Trade Center 7: The Lies Come Crashing Down

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More great info…. found this blog to be very informative. It also seems to take a different approach to the September 11th events. Remember, theres always two sides of a story and we should always listen to them both. I call this playing nice …..

I also came upon this piece of work that seemed to catch my eye. “link to blog” I personally like it. You don’t have to like it, but i think theres a great message in it.